- 展覧会概要
会場:サナギ 新宿
住所:東京都新宿区新宿三丁目35-6 国道20号線高架下
【石田 麻衣(Ishida mai)プロフィール】
Mai Ishida is destined to write from an early age. She studied calligraphy at university and obtained a high school calligraphy teacher license. I teach calligraphy to high school students. We obtained the highest qualification in the written test sponsored by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. Held solo exhibitions in various places as a calligrapher.
She believes that the truth of the universe connects people to the universe, so she creates works that incorporate ancient features. We express our mission by making full use of various paints such as brush, ink and paint. I want to make a work that conveys the peace of mind.