- 展覧会概要
タイトル:「Tokyo Daydream 2020」
会場:サナギ 新宿
住所:東京都新宿区新宿三丁目35-6 国道20号線高架下
【山口菜摘(Natsumi Yamaguchi)プロフィール】
1980年 北海道札幌市出身。2003年 多摩美術大学絵画学科版画専攻卒業。
また一方で、インストバンド「jahguidance」のメンバーとして、Bass、作曲を担当している。タワーレコードよりCD「Dawn of Dreams」、「Travelers」を発売、TBS「ビジネスクリック」の音楽などを担当。
Born in Hokkaido, Japan in 1980.Graduated from Tama Art University in 2003. Majored in Painting and lithograph.
Since childhood, drawing cartoons and watercolors was part of her life.
At the University,She studied print technique, and continue pursuing the technique and original view of the world.
In 2004, she started to create paintings that use colors,materials,techniques from her skills of lithgraph as a member of “Atelier Yashio”in Saitama.
Moved the atelier to Yokohama in 2008.
Now,She is working on painting (mixed media)as an artist based on theme, “Metropolis and Human behaviour”.Now She living in Kawasaki.
On the other hand, as a member of the instrumental band “jahguidance”, she is in charge of Bass and composition.They released CD “Dawn of Dreams” and “Travelers” from Tower Records and was in charge of TBS “Business Click” music.